Why Air Duct Leakage Testing Is So Important

Why Air Duct Leakage Testing Is So Important

Your air ducts are an essential element of your HVAC system, delivering heated and cooled air to every room in your home. However, when they’re not operating at peak efficiency, the air quality in your home can suffer—all while costing you more money on your energy bill!

An air duct leak test is designed with specific requirements to help you pinpoint the problem. If you suspect that your home’s ductwork needs repair or replacement, schedule an appointment for air duct leakage testing. Why is it so important? Let’s find out. 

Pinpoints the Problem

If you’re dealing with drafty rooms, poor air quality, and astronomical energy bills, there could be a number of factors at play. You could be dealing with worn-out insulation, blocked vents, or dysfunctional ducts. Call an HVAC air leak test professional to do some detective work with a duct leak test and see if they’re the source of your problem. 

Saves Money on Energy Bills

A home with leaky ducts uses up far more energy than one with functional ducts and adequate insulation. You don’t want to be paying extra for heated and cooled air that leaks out of your ductwork before you can enjoy it! Use (and pay for) only the energy you need by air sealing your ducts to keep them in tip-top shape. 

Keeps Your Home Comfortable

The inside of your home is a refuge from the outdoor elements—you want it to be cozy in the winter and refreshing in the summer. Ductwork that is in good condition and properly maintained will help you achieve that goal, but ducts that are cracked or leaky can leave you with a drafty home. If you suspect that leaky ducts are letting drafts in, have a leakage test performed by a professional to get answers.

Banishes Mold and Pests

Anywhere you have a leak or a crack in your home, heated or cooled air can escape…and critters from the outside can make their way in. Stay on top of HVAC maintenance to keep the good things in and the bad things out! Not only can insects and tiny rodents make a home in your ducts, but moisture buildup can encourage mold growth.

Maintains Indoor Air Quality

When your home is drafty, the air inside can become laden with particles from outside, including pollen, dust, mold spores (see above), and animal dander. Schedule air duct testing for leaks to find out where those irritants are coming from, so you can more easily fix the leak with a process like AeroBarrier and fend off indoor air pollution. 

If your home is uncomfortable, perhaps due to cold drafts or polluted air, seek out the source of the problem. Why is air duct leakage testing so important? It’s a crucial step in finding out where the breach is, so you can fix it quickly and get back to enjoying a comfortable home.


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