The Energy Benefits of Air Sealing Your Home
If your home is uncomfortably drafty and your energy bills are getting higher, your home may be leaking air from somewhere. That heated or cooled air escapes your home before you have the opportunity to enjoy it!
Consider air sealing your home to fix the many issues that come with air leakage. There are many energy benefits to air sealing a building with AeroBarrier. Let’s look at a few.
More Even Temperatures
After air sealing a house, all of the air that your HVAC system heats or cools stays inside your home and circulates evenly. You won’t have to put on a sweater just to go out into the hall or use space heaters to compensate for stubborn cold spots.
Less Stress for Your HVAC System
When there are leaks and drafts in your home, your HVAC system works overtime to keep the house at a comfortable temperature. When your heater has to operate 24/7 to warm up a house with persistent drafts, it can break down prematurely from overwork.
Better Home Energy Efficiency
If you’ve noticed that your energy bill is unusually high despite the uncomfortable drafts, call an air sealing company to locate and fill any leaks. When the sealing is complete, not only will your home be much cozier, your energy bill will become manageable again. You’ll only pay for the energy your home uses.
Possible Energy Tax Credits
When you have your home air sealed, talk to the technician about getting a credit on your taxes! The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law in August 2022, contains incentives for homeowners to beef up home energy efficiency. Because air sealing helps you conserve the energy you’re using, you could qualify for a credit towards next year’s taxes.
Get rid of uncomfortable drafts in your home with the help of Blower Door Concepts. Air sealing your home can provide you with a variety of energy benefits that will last much longer than this year’s cold winter.