The Benefits of Getting a Blower Door Test

The Benefits of Getting a Blower Door Test

Most homes depreciate as they age, which is why owning a home is an investment. As the homeowner, you must take care of it by keeping things maintained as it ages. One way to preserve your home is through periodic blower door tests. Here are the benefits of getting a blower door test to show you exactly what we mean.

Measure Your Home’s Air Leakage

The first thing the local energy rater needs to do is diagnose the status of your home and determine how well it conceals itself under pressure. The windows and doors need to be shut for these tests. A blower door test will measure how much your home is outputting and compare that to the national average and averages in the area. The technician will know what your home’s air leakage measurement should look like. The test results will determine how hard your machine is running and where your meter lies. Then, you can decide whether you need to fix these problems or leave them be. 

Determine Where Air Is Coming From

Not only can a blower door test determine your home’s output and the energy it’s expending, but it can also find air leaks. These tests provide information that examines pressure within the cabin. When leaks are present, those pressure readings rise and fall. These readings will let you know that your doors and windows may not be well-sealed. Once you’ve air sealed your house, you can sleep soundly knowing your home is operating as efficiently as possible and you’re not wasting money on air conditioning. 

Pass the Building Code Before Renovations

If you’re looking to renovate your home, it’ll need an air leakage test. Local and state governments require these tests before renovating to pass building codes. They are put in place for safety and security, which is great because it protects the inhabitants and any potential buyer or guest in the home. If you decide to sell your home, you can do it knowing you’ve protected and sealed the structure to guard yourself and the new owner from legal issues and unnecessarily high electric bills.

Now that you know the benefits of getting a blower door test in your home, make sure to stay on top of it. Not only can you save money, but it can also impact your life and the environment by cutting energy usage.


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