How Exactly Does Duct Leakage Testing Work?

How Exactly Does Duct Leakage Testing Work?

You may not realize it, but there are a lot of details that go into blower door testing with HVAC work. You usually have these tests done whenever you experience air conditioning issues. Your technician should check the ducts throughout your home in addition to the blower door. Here, we will explain how duct leakage testing works with your ventilation in greater detail.

The Fan System Comes First

You should always expect duct leakage testing to accompany blower door tests. To conduct it properly, the technician must use a calibrated fan that puts out enough air to match what should normally be pushed through your duct system. This test uses several methods to determine whether you have a duct leak and how much pressure you’re losing. Once you find the leak and pressure, you can figure out what to do about repairs.

Measuring the Airflow

You’ll need to follow your airflow to learn about your air pressure. Every air conditioning unit is set up to expel a certain level of air pressure, which the calibrated fan can help measure by pushing an exact amount of airflow through the ducts. If there is any change in pressure, or if the pressure reveals spots that are open in the ducts, you will know that you have a leak in your ductwork.

Two Tests for Two Types of Leaks

Now that you know how duct leak testing is done, let’s talk about the two types of duct leak tests and why they are performed. The first is the outside leakage test, which covers all your mechanics and ductwork from the outside to ensure that you are accounting for the whole unit. Second is the total leakage test. This test uses the same method as before, but this test covers both the outside and the inside at once to cover all bases.

We have now covered how exactly duct leak testing works and what you should know before having testing done. These inspections can save you a ton of money if you have something going on with your air conditioning unit at home.


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