Doing Blower Door Tests in Saco, ME and Surrounding Areas

Blower Door Concepts provides high-quality blower door tests in Saco, Maine, that will identify where and how air may be escaping from your home.

We Do:

  • Duct Leakage Testing

  • Blower Door Testing

  • Installation Of AeroBarrier

  • RESCheck

  • Calculate bathroom fan CFM


Pass the blower door test in and around Saco, ME, with confidence! Schedule a RESCheck as well to ensure that your project follows the current energy standards. If your blower door testing results indicate that there’s lots of air leaks, consider installing AeroBarrier in your home.

AeroBarrier is cheap, cost effective, reliable, and takes one to two days depending on the size and stage of the house. Why use other products when you can get guaranteed results every time, no more worrying about passing that air leakage test.


What is AeroBarrier?

When can AeroBarrier be installed?

Estimates & Pricing