What Time of Year Is Best for Air Duct Cleaning?

What Time of Year Is Best for Air Duct Cleaning?

Is air duct cleaning something you’re adding to your homeowner chore list? It might not seem like an important task to do, but it’s critical for many reasons. Keep reading to learn why you should receive this type of cleaning, how often you should hire a professional, and what time of year is best for air duct cleaning. Blower Door Concepts is here to help!

Why Receive Air Duct Cleanings?

Homeowners receive air duct cleanings to prevent the risk of house fires due to lint and other debris and to improve the quality of air within the home. Cleaning this component in your house is often an afterthought because it’s out of sight and out of your mind. However, receiving a cleaning from a professional service is necessary to keep your home safe and tidy!

How Often Should You Clean Your Air Ducts?

Fortunately for the homeowner, you won’t need to clean your air ducts as often as you would think. It sounds like it would be an annual endeavor, but you only need to do this once every two to three years. Dust, debris, and lint accumulate gradually, so you can get away with a year or two between cleanings. However, if someone with allergies lives in the home or you have pets, you may need to clean the ducts more frequently to ensure excellent air quality.

What Time of Year Is Best for Cleanings?

Now that you understand how often you need to hire a professional service, what time of year is best for air duct cleaning? Spring is a great time to do this because you’re most likely doing other chores around the home, and it’s the beginning of allergy season. Plus, the contractor will need to go outside to reach some vents. Therefore, it’s best if it’s not freezing cold outside or scorching hot. You might as well add one more thing to your spring-cleaning list!

How Blower Door Concepts Can Help

Blower Door Concepts is a new business that performs air leakage tests on your air ducts to diagnose any problems you might be having. While we don’t physically clean the air ducts for you, our job is just as important to ensure your air conditioner, dryer, and other appliances that use the duct system run efficiently. Contact us today to ensure you’re receiving clean air in your home.

Air duct cleaning and air leakage testing are essential to maintaining air quality in your home and preventing the risk of fires or other disasters. Remember to hire a professional service once every two to three years to stay on top of this necessary spring cleaning chore!


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